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Metaphors in the Bible


This page is dedicated to the study of metaphors in the Bible. If you will click on the underscored title at the end of the annotation, the article will appear on your screen. Or if you right “click” is should download it to your computer.



Metaphor in the Psalms

The first article (and place of honor) is by Professor Leland Ryken of Wheaton College. Dr. Ryken has been an instructor of literature for decades and has written a host of books, many of which have influenced my reading of the Bible to a very significant degree. He ranks high in my list of favorite writers. His article “Metaphors in the Psalms” made a lasting impression on me when I first read it in the mid to late 1980’s. Its value has not diminished.


I could go on and on about my impressions of the Professor, but I won’t (at least not here). This article appeared first in “Christianity and Literature”, 31, No. 3 (Spring 1982) p. 9-29) and is posted here with his permission.


Metaphor in the Psalms




The “Voice” of God

This article centers on the “Voice” of God. Sometimes the prophets associate God’s message with the roar of a lion. At other times, it is compared to thunder or a trumpet blast. His “voice” could also be heard from the lips of Jesus of Nazareth. This article explores these metaphors as they relate to the voice of God.


YHWH Roars





Metaphors convey big ideas and have the power to influence the way we live. Paul provides three appropriate metaphors on the work of the evangelist to help set Timothy straight.


Metaphors on Preaching




How is a Man like a Tree?

When writers of Scripture saw a tree, they saw more than a tree.​ They saw an occasion to communicate things of profound significance to us by comparing us to them.


How is a Man like a Tree?

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